
Elements of Karate

Although Karate is known to be an effective form of self-defense, it is also an equally effective form of mental and physical self-improvement for adults and children alike. Through regular karate training, the mind and body work together to come to a unique force for self-protection. Karate training also provides exercise for which one can improve muscle and cardio regular development as well as improving balance coordination.

K-Kindness: Learn to help junior students and supporô others.
A-Attitude: Having a positive and healthy attitude.
R-Respect: To respect me and others.
A-Achievement: Striving to reach my hopes and dreams.
T-Triumph: Having good leadership and never giving up.
E-Education: Learning proper etiquette, morals, and self-awareness.

Karate is a Japanese term! which generally translated as “Empty hand way “. The ultimate goal of karate training in the pursuit of protection of self. The extent to which operate on any other way of life will enhance your character as dependent upon two things, (your character and desire) and your }ind (your determination) to succeed. Victory is decided by the strength of your heart. Karate develops a strong body, strong mind, and taking responsibility.